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DSD LMC Update

The DSD LMC met on July 19, 2016 and discussed the following agenda items:

  1. Lease negotiations for a new location for DSD and Planning are ongoing. Director Bob Vacchi stated it continues to be his top priority.
  2. Director Bob Vacchi stated staffing levels are steady and the department continues to fill vacancies across the board as needed. He reported approximately 70 vacancies at this time. The target date for implementing the new fee structure is November 2016. Training in the new fees is expected to begin soon.
  3. Bob also reported the new Project Tracking System, ACCELA, appears to be ahead of schedule for target date of May 2017 for implementation. Staff training on this new program could begin as early as this fall.
  4. Employee of the Quarter selections will be announced soon. More rewards and recognition programs are being developed in accordance with the new Administrative Regulation.