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Distribution of MOUs (Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011)

MEA is happy to announce that the City has finalized (finally!) your MOU handbooks for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011. The printed MOUs codify what was already agreed to and ratified last year, but it takes the City a significant amount of time to complete the City Council actions related to the MOU and to print the booklets. An electronic version of the MOU is already on our website.

For your added convenience, we will also be handing out the MOUs at all workplace locations from January 20-February26 (each department will be contacted with a distribution date and time). In past years, we have mailed out MOUs to all of our represented employees. This year, in addition to saving thousands of dollars on postage, your Board members and staff want to take the opportunity speak to you, answer questions and receive your feedback by making as many personal deliveries as possible. If you are not available to pick up an MOU on the distribution date for your work site, please do not hesitate to call the MEA office at (619) 264-6632 and we would be happy to mail or hand-deliver a copy to you.

Thanks and we’ll see you soon!