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MEA Contract Ratification Voting NOW OPEN — Please Vote Today!

It’s time to vote “yes” or “no” on MEA’s 2-year contract announced last week. See April 28 Eblast message here.

Your elected Negotiating Team, MEA President Greg Woods and MEA’s entire staff — including lead negotiators Ann Smith (MEA Attorney) and Michael Zucchet (MEA General Manager) — are all wholeheartedly recommending a “yes” vote!

To recap the written announcements already issued:

(1) There will be two general salary increases totaling 9% benefiting every MEA-represented employee: 4% on July 1, 2021 and another 5% on July 1, 2022. [A “yes” vote approves these increases!]

(2) Many job classifications will also get special salary adjustments and certification pay improvements announced last week by email to affected members in the particular job classifications. [A “yes” vote approves these special increases in addition to the general salary increases!]

(3) The big gains made last year in Flex remain in effect during this 2-year contract. [A “yes” vote secures these dependent coverage increases for the next two years.]

(4) Your 3 discretionary leave (DL) days (8/6/4 hours depending on full-time, 3/4-time or half-time status) are guaranteed in each year of the 2-year deal PLUS you will have one extra DL day to use over the 2-year contract period. [A “yes” vote protects these DL days.]

This is a PACKAGE DEAL and the 2-year contract terms must be accepted or rejected AS A WHOLE. In other words, there is no option for you to vote “yes” to one part — for example, the 9% total general salary increase — and reject other parts or vice versa.

Voting on this contract will be done remotely via MEA’s website and will remain open for one week from today until Tuesday, May 11 at 5:00 p.m. Click HERE to vote. Members will need to login to cast their vote. If you have any difficulties logging in, please contact Kierstyn Walton at MEA at kwalton@sdmea.org. If you only recently became an MEA member, your information may not be updated yet in our system. New members can cast their vote by emailing Kierstyn as well.

If you need any other assistance or have questions, call or email MEA at 619-264-6632 or info@sdmea.org.

Use your voice as an MEA MEMBER and make your opinion count — PLEASE VOTE!