Home|Blog | GM Mike Zucchet Debates Proposition B on Behalf of MEA Employees on TV and Radio

GM Mike Zucchet Debates Proposition B on Behalf of MEA Employees on TV and Radio

As you know, MEA is working hard to defeat Proposition B (the “Comprehensive Pension Reform” initiative) on the legal front.  (Click here for the latest update on MEA’s Public Employment Relations Board unfair labor practice charge.)  At the same time, we continue to actively engage the proponents in the public arena in advance of the election.  On Monday, MEA General Manager debated Taxpayer’s Association President Lani Lutar on KPBS which you can watch by clicking here.  In addition, Mike participated in a short radio debate with Ms. Lutar which can also be accessed through the same link or by clicking here (please click on the audio button just below the title, “KPBS Midday Edition”).