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MEA Blood Drive 2010

MEA was proud to support the San Diego Blood Bank by hosting the 13th Annual MEA Blood Drive. Countless members came out to show their support and to give the gift of blood.

The blood drive was held on June 8th, 9th, 10th and 15th at six different locations to make it easier for MEA members to take time out of their busy workday to donate.

Both MEA and the San Diego Blood Bank greatly appreciate all of those who came out to donate their time and blood.

If you were not able to participate in MEA’s blood drive, you can still help by donating blood at one of the many donor centers, encouraging your family and friends to donate, volunteering at a health fair in your neighborhood, or by becoming a San Diego Blood Bank ambassador and speaking on behalf of the organization at community group meetings.

For more information, please contact the San Diego Blood Bank at 1-800-469-7322 or visit their website at www.sandiegobloodbank.org.