MEA GM Mike Zucchet testifies at the City’s Budget Review Committee about recruitment and retention issues with dispatchers in PD
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This week, MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet testified before the City’s Budget Review Committee about the FY16 budget. Mike discusses the City’s vacancy rate and how it’s directly associated with recruitment and retention issues. He points out that this is a growing issue throughout the City’s workforce, but it’s especially problematic with dispatchers in the Police Department. As you know all too well, this week is the 3 year anniversary of mandatory overtime. Despite the efforts, efficiencies and an emphasis on dispatcher hiring, it’s simply isn’t enough to keep up. Mike cautions that if the City doesn’t address this recruitment and retention issue, the problem will only get worse. MEA will continue to advocate on your behalf throughout the City Council budget hearings. In the meantime, please feel free to contact MEA with any questions or feedback about the budget process.