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DSD/Planning/Code Enforcement Labor Management Meeting Update

Meeting minutes for May 17, 2016:

Building update: On May 25, the City Council Budget and Government Efficiency Committee heard the presentation on the new DSD Fee Proposal. As part of the Fee Proposal, 13% of the proposed fees will cover the cost of moving staff out of COB, and will provide for ongoing revenue for rent on a new building and revenue for development and maintenance for the Accela program. The committee forwarded the item to the full City Council for final approval which is tentatively scheduled for June 21, 2016. If the City Council approves the proposed fees for the department, DSD will then move forward with finalizing the lease agreement on a new location.

The City Council would then vote to approve the proposed agreement and that should occur sometime in the month of July. Until those action items are completed, DSD management is understandably cautious about discussing any details about the new location. However, they understand the urgency of the matter and are working diligently to make it happen. Stay tuned.

DSD Fee Proposal Highlights: Some of the proposed changes will be in reducing and simplifying the process requirements for public right away projects, emergency coastal permits and telecom and ministerial review maps. Afsaneh Ahmadi will be forming an implementation team to provide the necessary training to staff once the proposal is approved. If anyone is interested in reviewing the Fee Proposal, they can access it by going to www.sandiego.gov and locate the May 25, 2016 Budget and Government Efficiency Committee meeting and click on Item (1)-DSD Fee Proposal presentation.