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Know Your Rights, Fourth Quarter of 2011

It’s always incredibly difficult when you lose a loved one and the last thing you want to think about is work. That is why there is a clause in MEA’s MOU which grants bereavement leave to allow time for you to focus on your family and to work through this difficult period. Article 91 states that “paid bereavement leave of up to three days is available upon the death of an employee’s spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter (including step-, foster, or adopted son or daughter), or state-registered domestic partner, with a limit of one eligible death per fiscal year. Proof of death (death certificate, obituary, funeral program, etc.) must be provided in order to receive Bereavement Leave, which is in addition to Annual Leave.”

If you have recently lost a loved one, please let us know how we can help and support you. If you encounter any difficulties in getting bereavement leave, please do not hesitate to contact your MEA Labor Representative at (619) 264-6632.