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Labor Representation Quarterly Overview, July-September 2011

At press time, 68 new cases were opened for this quarter (30 in July, 30 in August and nine as of September 19th).

Three terminations were upheld and we are aware of two hourly employees being terminated (hourly employees do not have appeal rights to terminations). Representation on a variety of other disciplinary actions also took place during this past quarter.

Three different departments conducted fact findings which involved multiple employees; two have been completed, and one is still being conducted. There has been dissatisfaction concerning the amount of time it takes to conduct a fact finding and to receive the results. MEA has been active in working with Labor Relations to hold departments accountable to our MOU which states that employees shall receive the results of a fact finding within 30 calendar days unless there are extraordinary and extenuating circumstances.

Labor Representatives were also involved with the Purchase of Service Credit informational meetings, numerous meet and confers, Labor Management Committees and a variety of individual representation issues. Unfortunately, we continue to receive requests for representation regarding misuse of the City’s computer system. Please remember that personal use of all City equipment (including the internet and email) is prohibited and violations are subject to disciplinary action.

MEA is gearing up for upcoming contract negotiations starting with the Special Salary Adjustment, New Class and Title Change request process. MEA received 18 requests which will be forwarded to the Personnel Department Director and the Civil Service Commission who will determine which will be studied.