FY17 – MetLife HMO Plan Effective 8/1/16
August 1, 2016 kicks off the new FY17 benefit year. As of today, all plan participants with an August 1 effective date have been loaded into Met Life’s system and can access services.
MetLife Dental HMO will be issuing ID cards to new enrollees only who selected a dentist during open enrollment. These cards should arrive by August 5. If you have not received a card by that date, please call MetLife HMO’s automated system at 800 880-1800 to order a card or contact MEA Benefits at benefits@sdmea.org.
Here are some important items to know:
- If you are currently on the plan you should keep your old card since MetLife will not be sending you a new one.
- If you were on the plan for FY 16 and changed your dental office assignment in SAP during open enrollment, you will need to call MetLife at (800) 880-1800 to change your dentist using their system. Unfortunately, MetLife’s system will not be able to update dental offices from the City’s enrollment feed.
- If you are new to MetLife Dental HMO and did not select a dentist during open enrollment, you will NOT be auto assigned to a dentist. You will also not receive a card nor will you be able to access services until you select a primary dentist. To find a dentist, please follow the instructions listed on the FindADentist flyer. Once you find one, you will need to call MetLife Dental HMO at (800) 880-1800.
- If you need to change your dental office assignment or need to know who you are currently assigned to, please call MetLife Dental HMO at (800) 880-1800.
- MetLife would like to remind enrollees that you should ALWAYS request a predetermination and should not sign, approve or pay for treatment or treatment plans if they do not understand or agree with them. If you feel the cost for services is not in accordance with the stated copays, you should not sign and you should hold off on treatment. Then call MetLife customer service with the dental estimate including the dental codes. You should ALWAYS take a copy of the MetLife schedule of benefits to every dental appointment. Any questions about covered treatment and costs should be answered before any dental work is started. Once work has started, you may be obligated to pay for any optional services you agreed to or signed for.
If you have questions, please email MEA Benefits at benefits@sdmea.org. To learn more about MEA’s MetLife Dental HMO plan please visit the MEA Dental HMO web page by clicking here.